Wednesday 12 October 2011

Analysing Opening Scenes

Izzy and I have chosen the sub genre 'crime' to analysis. The programmes we will be looking at are Ashes to Ashes, Luther and The Bill.

Analysing Ashes To Ashes Clip 

Sub genre - Crime

Sound - Up until 30 seconds into the clip, there is non diegetic sound in the background. The music has a fast pace and sounds like a clock ticking, which fits in well with them only having a certain amount of time to find the suspect. After the music has stopped other people's voice can be heard talking and a telephone ringing, this is diegetic sound.

Camera Work 

When the camera shows this man a low angle shot is used. This implies that he is a dominant character and he is in charge of the team or the top inspector.

Reaction shots are used to show the expressions of the team when they are given their job to do. For example when Shaz is told to make a coffee she rolls her eyes and looks down.

This is a two shot which shows two of the team.

A close up is used to show the petition that some of the workers are talking about.

At the beginning of the clip the camera zooms out from the Inspector's back as he turns round to reveal the scene and who is talking. 

Lighting - the lighting comes from the lights in the ceiling which are bright and look office lights rather then lights you would have at home.

Costume - The more important people in the team are dressed in their own clothing but some members are in police force uniform. The people dressed in their own clothing are wearing clothes from the 60s era. The main woman in the scene is also quite glamorous.

Conventions - Some of the conventions of a crime drama are shown such as it is in a police station and they are talking about an investigation. They are also been given tasks each to help find out information. The police uniform is also a convention.

Luther Clip 

Sub genre - Crime

Sound - Starts off with the speaking of the characters and diegetic sound of the rustling being trod on by people walking can be heard. When the inspectors bends down to the victim mysterious music begins to play which is non-diegetic. When the scene changes to the police station there is diegetic sound of Luther throwing a ball. Non-diegetic begins to play again which builds up tension.

Lighting - The clip starts off with natural light as the clip is filmed outside where the body has been found. The ligting then changes to commerical office ligting when the Inspectors as shown inside the police station.

Camera Work -

This is an over the shoulder but it is also a track camera movement because the audience follows behind him.

This image shows a point of view shot however, the camera movement zooms in on the victim.

This shows a close up of the victims head and her belongings around her that the murder has specifically put there.

It then goes on to use the camera movement tilt to move down the victims body.

This image shows a high angle shot.

This is a low angle shot. It presents the character as dominant or it could imply that she is  in charge of the team.

This shot is at eye level with the character which gives an impression that the audience is sitting down next to him.

Vera Clip


Sound - It begins with the sound of the radio whilst she is driving along at night. Once the body has been discovered and the detective is checking out the car there is muisc in the background to create a sense of mystery. We have digetic sounds such as the noises the main detective makes whilst walking. There is also the noise of running water in the river.

Lighting -  The lighting comes from the  flashing of the police lights also by the moonlight. The headlights on the cars are not on so it leaves the audience hanging onto what the police man has discovered in the grass. The audience only sees a certain part of the victim that the spotlight reveals.

Costumes -  We have the typical police jacket on the policeman who discovers the body.

Conventions - This clip is not very conventional as at the start we do not know that Vera is a detective as she is just driving along in her car and pulls over to see what the policeman is looking at. The audience only realises that she is a detective when she says 'your first time is it son' this implies that she is more experienced and has seen cases like this before so knows what to expect. Another part which helps us to realise that she has something to do with the police is when Vera starts looking in the car and then discovers tracks so she follows them to where they lead. There are also crime conventions in this clip such as the police uniform, the police car and the dead bodies.

Camera work -

Thursday 6 October 2011

How The Characters Are Represented In This Scene

A clip from Eastenders of Ian, Phil and Lucy

Phil - We immediately realise that Phil is the more dominant character as he burst through the door into Ian's house without being invited. He has an angry expression on his face and his body language is powerful and aggressive. Phil's voice is loud and he shouts at Ian. He exaggerates words such as 'buzzing'. His costume is black which signifies an enemy or the baddy. 

Ian - Ian's character seems wimpy and scared compared to Phil's. He also repeats words which imply this. He talks fast which suggests that he is anxious but also that he is worried about what phil will reply. Although he tries to shout there is a quiver in his voice. His body language comes across as weak and he also puts his hands up in front of him which suggests he is defending himself. Ian's face expressions show he is scared and nervous. His costume is plain and casual which implies that he is the victim.

Lucy - Her character is confident and she speaks her mind. Although she raises her voice she seems calm and as if Phil does not intimidate her. She is also cocky which is shown when she say, 'run home to your mummy.' At the end she looks at Ian and says what as if speaking her mind to a man twice the size is normal. Her body language  also suggests that she is confident as she has her arms crossed. 

Narrative - Phil is cross as Ian has been working with Archie against Phil and then he sold his own brother ben 'down the river'. However, Phil just thinks that Ian is trying to get back at him.

Camera Angles

When the camera shows Phil a low angle is used so that we look up at him. This makes him come across as dominant. 

They also use Over the shoulder shots to show Ian which could also be classed as reaction shots as they show his reactions and expressions to what Phil Is saying.

For Lucy they use shots that are at eye level. They do this because she is not a dominant or vulnerable character and is also younger than the other two characters.

At the end of the when Phil leaves the camera then lowers to show a two person shot of Lucy and Ian. 

Editing - There is not a lot of editing in this scene as it is a conversation between the characters. However, it does cut between person in order to show their response.

Sound - Diegetic sound is used at the beginning of the scene when Phil is shout at Ian from out side is house but we cannot see him. The banging of the door as Phil crashes through it is also diegetic sound.